Matt. 13: 20, 21:

Bei dem aber auf das Steinige gesät ist, dieser ist es, der das Wort hört und es sogleich mit Freuden aufnimmt; er hat aber keine Wurzel in sich, sondern ist nur ein Mensch des Augenblicks; und wenn Bedrängnis entsteht oder Verfolgung um des Wortes willen, nimmt er sogleich Anstoß.


Matt. 13: 30:

Lasst beides zusammen wachsen bis zur Ernte, und zur Zeit der Ernte werde ich den Schnittern sagen: Lest zuerst das Unkraut zusammen, und bindet es in Bündel, um es zu verbrennen; den Weizen aber sammelt in meine Scheune!


R 4745:

Considering the other part of the question, we are to remember that the Court condition and the Tabernacle condition on the Day of Atonement represented the condition of things in God's Plan at the present time, during this Gospel Age. During this time all those who leave the Camp and desire to draw near to God approach the Court, which represents the justified condition, the condition of harmony with God. Only those inside the Court can see the matters pertaining to the sacrificing and the entering into the Holy. In proportion as these take the necessary steps toward the Holy, in that proportion they draw nigh to God and experience a measure of justification, a measure of harmony, and become more prepared for complete justification and harmony with him.

Washing at the laver is an important step, and as they go on to the door of the Holy and present themselves, it implies full consecration. Then they pass beyond the vail.

Very few make such a consecration. Many prefer to stand around outside the door. And when the "harvest" time shall come (it being here now), all such shall be thrust out. As expressed, a thousand will fall away to one who will stand. These, on account of their lack of obedience to the Lord, have rejected him and thus lose their partial justification--it never becomes vitalized. Similarly, those who have made a full consecration are subjected to severe tests and, if they prove unfaithful, they will not remain members of the Royal Priesthood. But this does not prove that these will be unworthy of some opportunity for serving the Lord. These will be represented in the Levite class. All the Levites consecrated to God. But the "more than conquerors," are the selected ones, the ones who stand the tests and prove faithful. Such as fail to stand these tests, then, will be rejected from the condition represented in the Holy, which is the "gold" condition and represents the divine nature.


R 4876:

While the Court condition seems to represent at the present time all those who are approaching God and loving righteousness and desiring harmony with Him, it appears as though, with the closing of this Age, there will be an adjustment of matters by which all those who have not come to the point of full consecration and to the point of Spirit-begetting, who would not belong to the household of faith and to the "Church of the First-born," in the absolute sense, will go out and cease to be recognized as in the Court.


E 4, 406:

[2] All Gospel-Age believers in Jesus are of the Household of Faith, when we have the Gospel-Age Household of Faith in mind (Rom. 4:11, 12; Z '13, 358, par. 4).


The Youthful Worthies, of course, are not of the New Creature Household of Faith, because they are not new creatures. But from the standpoint of having "the faith of Abraham" (Gal. 3: 7, 9) they are, of course, like him, of the Household of Faith. They are among the believers referred to under [2]. They are, however, somewhat different from the tentatively justified who do not now consecrate. The latter during the Epiphany cease altogether to be of the Household of Faith, having used the grace of God in vain; while the former, consecrating and proving faithful, retain their Tentative Justification, and are thus of the Gospel-Age Household of Faith who persist into and during the Epiphany. The reason why they are of the Household of Faith is that they are a faith class; for all that are of the faith of Abraham are of the Household of Faith.


E 11, 473:

We may go even further and say that at their consecration to righteousness, as distinct from consecration to sacrifice, these two features of Jesus’ pertinent executory work extend to the faith-justified as Gospel-Age Levites to serve matters pertaining to the antitypical Tabernacle Court and its appurtenances. Hence we understand that Jesus’ pertinent work as Executive for the antitypical Tabernacle and its appurtenances will continue with the Little Flock, Great Company and Youthful Worthies until they respectively finish their courses, but will cease with the faith-justified when their faith-justification lapses, which seemingly will occur in every case by Oct., 1954, according to Rev. 22: 11.


E 16, 52:

Das mit p gekennzeichnete Teilstück dieser Pyramide (zeigen) stellt diejenigen dar, die das Wort mit Freude aufnehmen, aber in Zeiten der Verfolgung abfallen. Diese sind die aus Glauben Gerechtfertigten, die eine Zeitlang glauben und gerechtfertigt sind und sich daher auf Stufe N (zeigen) befinden. Aber bald können sie ihre Rechtfertigung nicht mehr aufrechterhalten, weil sie versäumen, zur Weihung fortzuschreiten, die durch die Linie M gezeigt ist (zeigen).


E 16, 53:

Unter der unvollkommenen Pyramide t sehen wir eine unvollkommene Pyramide u (zeigen). Diese unvollkommene Pyramide stellt die Gerechtfertigten dar, die als Scheinweizen in der Ernteperiode im weiteren Sinne des Wortes ihre Rechtfertigung verlieren und von der Stufe der Rechtfertigung fallen, weil es offenbar wurde, dass sie lediglich Kinder der Welt sind.


E16, 54:

Durch die Drangsal soll auch der symbolische Scheinweizen, welcher durch die unvollkommenen Pyramiden u und v in dem schattierten Bereich dargestellt ist, verbrennen, indem er in seiner Eigenschaft als Scheinweizen verbrannt wird. Es ist kein buchstäbliches Verbrennen des buchstäblichen Scheinweizens gemeint, sondern eine Zurückführung dieser Klassen auf das, was sie tatsächlich sind: Kinder der Welt, die keine Stellung als symbolischen Weizen hatten und falsche Bekenner des christlichen Glaubens sind

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